Posterior Urethral Valve: Effects of Delay in Presentation


  • Irfan Mirza


Objectives: Evaluation of effects of delay in presentation on the growth and general health of
patients of PUV.
Material and Methods: Clinical data of consecutive 25, radiologically diagnosed and
endoscopically confirmed cases of posterior urethral valve was collected from the hospital record
to study referral pattern, age at presentation, state of health (weight, height, hemoglobin level and
serum creatinine level) at the time of presentation and severity of disease.
Results: A little more than 50% of patients were referred by adult urologists while 20% patients
came through their pediatricians. Only 2 patients presented in the neonatal age. Those who
presented in the neonatal age had their weight and height well within normal range while 61% of
patients presenting beyond neonatal age had their weight below the 3rd percentile for age and
65% of them had their height below the third percentile. Similarly those patients who presented in
the neonatal age had their hemoglobin levels within normal range while 74% of patients
presenting beyond neonatal life were anaemic. Serum creatinine level was raised in both the
neonates but returned to normal or near normal after treatment while it persisted at a level above
normal for patients who presented beyond neonatal age.
Conclusion: There seems to be a need to improve awareness about this disease within the
profession as well in the general public. Delay in referral significantly interferes with the growth
and development of these patients.




How to Cite

Mirza I. Posterior Urethral Valve: Effects of Delay in Presentation. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4(3). Available from:



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