Study of Prevalence and Possible Relation between ABO, Rhesus Blood Groups & Hypertension


  • Fahad Nazir
  • Robina Shaheen
  • Yasmin Lodhi


Background: The objective of the present study was to check for prevalence and any kind of
association existing between hypertension and ABO blood groups in the blood donors in SIMS
Patients and Methods: ABO and Rh grouping was done along with hypertensive screening on
all prospective voluntary / replacement blood donors between 18-40 years of age and both sexes
donating blood at SIMS Blood Bank, Lahore over a period of one month from 31st July to August
Results: Out of a total of 1725 blood donors, 1673 (97%) were males and 52(3%) were females.
97% amongst males, while 94.2% amongst females were found to be Rhesus positive. The
frequency of Rhesus negative groups in males and females is 3% and 5.8% respectively. Well
335 male blood donors were found to be hypertensive (250%) as opposed to 7 hypertensive
female blood donors (13.5%). The prevalence of hypertension is greatest among Rhesus positive
male donors having blood group A(30.1%), followed by 18% prevalence rate in blood group B and
prevalence rate about (17%) each in subjects having blood group O and AB. Rhesus negative
male subjects also showed 9.8% prevalence rate.
Conclusion: The study indicates that donor population is predominantly positive. The results
support the concept that certain blood groups increase the individual's risk of developing




How to Cite

Nazir F, Shaheen R, Lodhi Y. Study of Prevalence and Possible Relation between ABO, Rhesus Blood Groups & Hypertension. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];2(2). Available from:



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