Peter Pan Syndrome Among Students Of Pakistani Univerities: A Cross-sectional Study


  • Sheeza Ali
  • Noreen
  • Areesha Tauseef
  • Farhat Ijaz CMH LMC & IOD, Lahore
  • Uzma Meral
  • Saqib Zaheer
  • Rana Khurram Aftab



Peter Pan Syndrome, Pakistan, University students, Belief systems


Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the presence of Peter pan Syndrome (PPS) among men and women in Pakistani universities and to examine the relationship between age and Peter Pan Syndrome.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Hide here text from Editor from February 2023-June 2023. The sample size comprised of 352 students (age: 15-30 years old) from different universities of Lahore. Data was collected using google forms with questions from six different dimensions based on characteristics of the syndrome. Frequency percentages were calculated from descriptive data. The correlation between each question and the different demographic variables was then determined individually by using Pearson's correlation by using SPSS.
Results: The mean age of participants was found to be 20 years and standard deviation was 2.75. Dimension of belief systems led us to our results that Peter Pan Syndrome is not prevalent in Pakistani youth because 90.8% of the participants considered it necessary to keep positive attitude towards changing for the better and expanding the horizon of their knowledge. Answers to other questions in this dimension also supported the result. There was no significant correlation between gender and prevalence of Peter Pan Syndrome and a weak negative correlation of age with the prevalence of this Syndrome.
Conclusion: Current study found no statistically significant association between gender and the prevalence of PPS, Also, the prevalence of PPS was decreasing with advancing age among university students. The dimension of belief system and cognitive dimension also provided prominent evidence that PPS is not much prevalent among these students




How to Cite

Ali S, Noreen, Tauseef A, Ijaz F, Meral U, Zaheer S, Khurram Aftab R. Peter Pan Syndrome Among Students Of Pakistani Univerities: A Cross-sectional Study. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];19(04):480-6. Available from:



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