Cultivating Psycological Safety: Cornerstone of Resident Wellbeing


  • Tayyiba Wasim Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Services Hospital, Lahore.
  • Tahira Nasrin Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Services Hospital, Lahore.



Medical residency is a critical phase in the professional development of young physicians. It is during this period that residents acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to become independent practitioners. The concept of psychological safety often underappreciated is crucial in fostering a supportive and nurturing environment for these young professionals. It refers to an environment where individuals feel safe to express themselves without fear of retribution, embarrassment, or judgment. It is characterized by creating a culture where residents feel free to seek guidance, admit mistakes and voice uncertainties without worrying about jeopardizing their careers. It is a critical component of any healthcare team or organization to promote the free flow of ideas,  innovations, and difficult conversations. In the context of medical residents, psychological safety plays a pivotal role in creating an atmosphere that encourages learning, collaboration, and personal growth.

Author Biographies

Tayyiba Wasim, Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Services Hospital, Lahore.

Head of Department Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Tahira Nasrin, Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Services Hospital, Lahore.

Department of Obstetrics  & Gynaecology


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How to Cite

Wasim T, Nasrin T. Cultivating Psycological Safety: Cornerstone of Resident Wellbeing. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];19(2):130-1. Available from: