Age Distribution of Breast Lesions on Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC)in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Fine-needle aspiration cytology, Benign Breast lesion, Infiltrating Ductal CarcinomaAbstract
Objects: To find the distribution and frequency of breast lesions on Fine-needle aspiration
Material and Methods: It was a descriptive study conducted in the Department of
Histopathology; Services Institute of Medical Sciences and Services Hospital Lahore .The study
included 464 patients with breast lump undergoing fine-needle aspiration cytology during a period
of three years from January 2006 to December 2008.
Results:Atotal of 400 out of 464 (64 excluded due to poor yield) aspirates of patients with breast
lump were included. Benign epithelial breast lesions were the most common lesions 234(58.5%)
with a mean age of 26.36(±12 ), followed by Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma 88 (22%) with a mean
age 47.1(± 14).
Conclusion: Majority of the patients in our study belonged to third, fourth and fifth decade of life.
Benign epithelial breast lesions were the most common followed by Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma.
Fine-needle aspiration cytology is the quickest, safest and cost effective method of diagnosing
breast lump pathology in various age groups