Current Knowledge and Practices Among Mothers About Acute Respiratory Infections in Children Below 5 Years of Age In Rural Community, District Bahawalpur


  • Muhammad Shahid Iqbal
  • Muhammad Fayyaz Atif
  • Muhammad Saeed
  • Ehsan Ullah Warraich


Under five children, ARI, KAPand Home remedy


Objective: To determine the knowledge and practices of the mothers regarding management of
acute respiratory tract infections in children below 5 years of age.
Material & Methods: Respondents were residents of a rural community. It was a descriptive,
epidemiological study. 250 mothers with at least one child below 5 years of age who suffered from
at least one episode of ARI were interviewed with the help of a semi-structured questionnaire.
Data was analyzed with the help of Epi info statistical program.
Results: Among the mothers interviewed, 90% mothers were below 35 years of age, 54.8%
were illiterate and 72% mothers belonged to nuclear families, 89.2% had 1-2 children below the
age of 5 years. Among the children between 12 to 59 months, 64.24% were completely
vaccinated. The symptoms identified by the mothers included cough in 68.4%, running nose in
22.2%, fever in 50%, blocked nose in 11.2%, sore throat in 9.2% and difficulty in breathing in
23.2%. Whistling was present in 34.4%, earache in 9.2%, ear discharge in 21.2%and chest indrawing was present in 31.2%. 44.4% mothers considered difficult breathing as a dangerous
symptom, 40.3% mothers considered whistling as dangerous and 33.1% mothers considered
chest in-drawing as dangerous sign. The main causes of ARI as described by the mothers
included “exposure to cold” by 73.2% “intake of sour or cold food” by 0.4%, “after bathing” by
17.6%, and , 0.4% “due to germs” by 16%, “evil eye” 3.2% and “change of weather” by 2.0%.
62.4% mothers consulted private doctors and 10.8% mothers consulted government health
facility for treatment while 11.6% mothers used various types of home remedies like 55.17% used
Joshanda, 86.22%used Vicks vaporub, 20.68% honey, 31.03% soanf (aniseed) water and
41.38% gave tea. 62.07% kept the child warm and 6.87% gave eggs to their children, Urq by
27.59% and brandy by 24.13%. 76% mothers consulted a qualified doctor for ARI treatment. The
mothers who did not consult doctor for ARI treatment, 55% reasoned that illness was minor, 8.3%
blamed lack of time etc. Among the mothers belonging to families with 9 or more family members,
with 4+ children and with income per month Rs. 3000 or below, a statistically significant
association was observed with using home remedy.
Conclusion: These results indicate that mothers are the main decision makers regarding the
management of the diseased children and there is strong need for a comprehensive health
education program for the parents especially the mothers.




How to Cite

Shahid Iqbal M, Fayyaz Atif M, Saeed M, Ullah Warraich E. Current Knowledge and Practices Among Mothers About Acute Respiratory Infections in Children Below 5 Years of Age In Rural Community, District Bahawalpur. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];8(1):12-6. Available from:



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