Comparison of Antibiotic Coated Vicryl Vs Non-Coated Vicryl in Abdominal Fascial Closure After Laparotomy in Children


  • Muhammad Adeel Ashiq The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore
  • Ghulam Mustafa The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore
  • Mahboob Ahmad Bhutta The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore
  • Asim Raza The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore
  • Anum Asif The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore
  • Ali Imran The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore



Triclosan coated vicryl, , Vicryl plus, , surgical site infection, uncoated vicryl


Objective: To compare the outcome of antibiotic-coated vicryl versus non-coated vicryl in abdominal fascial closure after laparotomy in children regarding surgical site infections in contaminated wounds.
Material and Method: This randomized control study (NCT06129773) was conducted for one year at The Children's Hospital and University of Child Health Sciences, Lahore. According to the operational criteria, 100 patients were included in the research and randomly divided into two groups (50 patients in each Group). All patients were assessed for surgical site infection on the 3rd, 7th, and 30th postoperative days using the Southampton wound grading system. The student's t-test and Chi-square tests were applied in SPSS version 24 to interpret the associations between different variables. A P-value of <0.05 was considered significant.
Results: Both groups have similar demographic parameters like age and weight distribution. The mean age of the children in abdominal fascial closure with antibiotic-coated vicryl was 64.09±50.14 months, while in non-coated vicryl was 64.26± 53.45 months (p-value of 0.164). There was a male predominance in the study population, with 70 % males and 30 % females. The total surgical site infection (SSI) incidence following laparotomy was 37%. Surgical site infections occurred in 22% of patients in abdominal fascial closure with antibiotic-coated vicryl and 52% in the non-coated vicryl Group (p-value: 0.002). The hospital stay in the antibiotic-coated vicryl Group was significantly shorter than non-coated group. (4.20 versus 8.24 days. P- value: 0.001).
Conclusions: The results of our study concluded that antibiotic-coated vicryl is superior to uncoated vicryl
for abdominal fascial closure after laparotomy in contaminated wounds in children

Author Biographies

Muhammad Adeel Ashiq, The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore

Post-Graduate Resident Pediatric Surgery

Ghulam Mustafa, The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore

Senior Registrar Pediatric Surgery

Mahboob Ahmad Bhutta, The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore

Assistant Professor Pediatric Surgery

Asim Raza, The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore

Post-Graduate Resident Pediatric Surgery

Anum Asif, The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore

Post-Graduate Resident Pediatric Surgery

Ali Imran, The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health, Lahore

Post-Graduate Resident Pediatric Surgery


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How to Cite

Ashiq MA, Mustafa G, Ahmad Bhutta M, Raza A, Asif A, Imran A. Comparison of Antibiotic Coated Vicryl Vs Non-Coated Vicryl in Abdominal Fascial Closure After Laparotomy in Children. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];19(04):385-9. Available from:



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