Chronic Granulomatous Inflammation of the Abdominal Wall after Laparoscopy: A look at High Level Disinfection
Port Site Infectio, High Level Disinfection, Chronic Granulomatous InflammationAbstract
Background: Port site infections after laparoscopic surgery are a known complication and take
away a lot of benefits attributed to the minimal access approach. Detecting the flora responsible is
essential and atypical mycobacteria must also be considered.
Case Series: This case series is a compilation of the accounts of ten different patients with
chronic granulomatous inflammation of the anterior abdominal wall presenting with port site
discharging sinuses and lumps after laparoscopic surgery.
Conclusion: Atypical mycobacterial infections must be considered in patients with persistent
wound infections after laparoscopic surgery and warrants a revision of the high level disinfection
(HLD) process