Histomorphological Study of Minor Salivary Glands in Advancing Age


  • Ashiq Hussain
  • Muhammad Amin
  • Atiya KhalidKhalid




Minor Salivary Glands, Acini, Intercalated Ducts, Interlobular Blood Vessels


Objective:To study age related morphological changes in the minor salivary glands.
Material and Methods: Thirty five specimens of minor salivary glands were collected from
dead bodies of adults, both male and female, brought to the Forensic Department of KEMU
Lahore for autopsy within twenty four hours of unnatural death. Dead bodies with surgical scars
on body, lymphadenopathy, enlarge salivary glands were excluded from the study. Autopsy
specimens were placed in five groups according to estimated age. Samples were collected,
processed and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin for histomorphometric studies under light
microscope for diameter of acini, number of acini, number of intercalated ducts and number of
interlobular blood vessels.
Results: Statistically significant changes in diameter of acini and mean number of acini were
observed in different study groups as the age advances (p value = 0.000) while no significant
change was observed in mean number of intercalated ducts and interlobular blood vessels.
Conclusion: With increasing age mean diameter and number of acini decreases while number
of intercalated ducts and interlobular blood vessels remained unchanged in minor salivary




How to Cite

Hussain A, Amin M, KhalidKhalid A. Histomorphological Study of Minor Salivary Glands in Advancing Age . Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];10(4):184-7. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/686



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