Frequency of Common Pathogens in Vaginal Discharge


  • Nabila Abdullah
  • Ghazanfar Abbas
  • Khalid Mahmood



Candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis.


Objective: To determine the frequency and type of pathogens in vaginal discharge.
Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study. The out-patient department of
Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Unit at Services Hospital, Lahore. After taking informed
consent a total of 120 women of reproductive age (13 to 49 years) were included in the study by
convenient sampling. After detailed history and clinical examination, two high vaginal swabs were
taken and data was recorded in proforma. One swab was used immediately to prepare a wet
mount with one to two drops of normal saline on a glass slide and was examined by light
microscopy for motility of Trichomonas vaginalis. The pus cells, budding yeast cells, pseudo-
hyphal and clue cells were also looked for in the same wet mount. Second swab was immediately
sent to the microbiology laboratory for Gram's staining and Culture and Sensitivity. The swab was
also inoculated on Sabouraud's agar and incubated at 35 ºC±2 ºC aerobically for 48 hours for the
growth of Candida saprophytes. Data was analyzed through computers software SPSS.
Results: Among 120 patients who had vaginal discharge, 5.8% (n=7) were 13-20 years old,
24.2% (n=29) were 21-30 years old, 55.8% (n=67) were 31-40 years old while 14.2% (n=17) were
41-49 years old. On clinical examination, 54.2% (n=65) patients had fungal infection, 18.3%
(n=22) had trichomonas and 15.8% (n=19) had bacterial vaginosis while 11.7% (n=14) patients
had mixed infection. HVS microscopy / culture sensitivity, results showed, 48.3% (n=58) had
fungal infection, 12.5% (n=15) had trichomonas and 25.0% (n=30) had bacterial vaginosis and
14.2% (n=17) had mixed infection.
Conclusion: Vulvovaginal candidiasis was a frequent finding in out patient departments of
tertiary care hospitals of our country




How to Cite

Abdullah N, Abbas G, Mahmood K. Frequency of Common Pathogens in Vaginal Discharge. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 8 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];11(1):32-5. Available from:



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