Faculty Need Assessment For Online Teaching Skill in Local Medical And Dental Institutes


  • sadia yaseen Rashid Latif Medical College Lahore
  • Alishbah Saeed rashid latif medical college
  • Fatima rashid latif medical college
  • Saher Iqrar azra naheed dental college lahore
  • faryal Dubai Hospital
  • Ali Hasan Public Health Deapartment, Punjab University




Faculty, need assessment, Online teaching, online teaching skills


Objective: This study sought to evaluate the expertise of educators at Rashid Latif Medical and Dental College in an effort to maximize the potential of online learning and aimed to identify the gaps, highlighting areas that needed improvement and open the door for specialized training and support with an emphasis on teaching, learning, and evaluation apps.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the Rashid Latif Medical and Dental College faculty members were gathered using a cross-sectional quantitative approach and circulating e questionnaire to gather information on demographics, proficiency with educational apps, and satisfaction with IT department services. The gathered data was examined using descriptive statistics, such as, frequency, percentages, means, and standard deviation.
Results: The response rate from faculty members was 63%, with a total of 79 participants included in the study. The results indicated variations in techsavviness among participants, with some apps being less familiar to faculty members. Google Forms emerged as the most widely app. Gender and age-related differences were observed in techsavviness levels, with women generally exhibiting better levels of tech expertise. Faculty felt the need to improve IT related services and organizing tech workshops relevant to teaching.
Conclusion: This study unlocks valuable insights into faculty members' proficiency in using online teaching, learning, and assessment apps in education. The results emphasize the need for targeted training to enhance faculty members' online teaching skills. Institutions can utilize these findings to allocate resources for faculty development to improve medical education

Author Biographies

Alishbah Saeed, rashid latif medical college


Fatima, rashid latif medical college

senior demonstrator

Saher Iqrar, azra naheed dental college lahore

deputy director

faryal , Dubai Hospital

specialist Registrar


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How to Cite

yaseen sadia, Saeed A, Sikander F, Iqrar S, faryal, Hasan A. Faculty Need Assessment For Online Teaching Skill in Local Medical And Dental Institutes. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];19(04):380-4. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/661



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