Clinical and Laboratory Parameters Monitored in Children Extubated from Ambu Bag and Endotracheal Tube


  • Junaid Rashid
  • Muhammad Sajid
  • Yaseen Alvi
  • Ayesha Arif



Ambu-bagging, Endotracheal tube, Wean-off, Extubation


Objective: To study the clinical and laboratory parameters of children extubated from ambu bag
and endotracheal tube after being manually ventilated for at least more than 24 hours.
Methods: Various clinical and laboratory parameters were evaluated initially at the time of
intubation and then at the time of extubation. The clinical parameters evaluated included the heart
rate & respiratory rate, Glasgow coma scale, spontaneous respiratory effort, respiratory distress
and pupillary reaction. The Laboratory parameters evaluated included TLC, CRP, arterial blood
pH, HCO3, PO2 & PCO2, CXR, flow rate of oxygen required to maintain oxygen saturation and
the dose of cardiac support in the form of dopamine infusion.
Results: Total 24 patients were included in the study, 11(46%) male and 13(54%) female. Age
range was from 0 to 36 months with mean of 6.5 months. The mean values of Laboratory
parameters at the time of intubation included a pH of 7.13, HCO3 17, O2 sat 64, PCO2 52, and
rate of oxygen flow 3.5 liters/min. The mean values of same parameters at the time of successful
weaning were, pH 7.36, HCO3 18, O2 sat 94, PCO2 29, and rate of flow of oxygen 3.5 liters/min.
Regarding clinical parameters the mean value for GCS at intubation was 5 which later improved
to 13 at extubation. Similarly the pupillary reaction at intubation showed constriction of pupils in
6(25%) and mid-dilated with sluggish reaction in remaining 18(75%), while almost 95% cases had
reactive pupils at extubation.
Conclusions: Ambu-bagging though crude but is a successful tool for respiratory support in the
absence of ventilator. Clinical and lab parameters can predict the outcome in children who are
solely intubated and ventilated by ambu bag




How to Cite

Rashid J, Sajid M, Alvi Y, Arif A. Clinical and Laboratory Parameters Monitored in Children Extubated from Ambu Bag and Endotracheal Tube. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];12(3):116-20. Available from:



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