Frequency of Nutritional Rickets Under Two Year Aged Children Admitted with Severe Pneumonia in The Department of Pediatrics, BBH, Rawalpindi


  • Maryam Amjad
  • Najaf Masood
  • Nadia Zaman
  • Madia Qamer
  • Shahzadi Sumbal Ghazi
  • Sonia Fazal



pneumonia, nutritional rickets, Vitamin-D.


Objective: To determine the frequency of nutritional rickets in children hospitalized with severe
Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted at Department of Pediatrics, Benazir Bhutto
Hospital, Rawalpindi Pakistan from 1st May 2012 to 31st October 2012.A total of 75 patients of
severe pneumonia between 6 to 24months were selected according to inclusion criteria. Data
was collected including admission number, age, sex, weight, consistent signs of rickets, history of
breast feeding and duration of sun exposure in 24 hours. A single blood sample 5ml was collected
at the same time for biochemical changes of rickets and sent to the hospital lab for analysis of
serum calcium, phosphate and alkaline phosphates levels. Reports were verified by the hospital
pathologist. All the data was subjected to proforma and analysed by SPSS-15.
Results: Out of 75 patients of severe pneumonia, 48(64%) were male, and 27(36%) were
female. The mean age was 11.9±4.9 months and mean weight was 8.0±1.4kg. The frequency of
breast feeding was 53(70.7%). The duration of sun exposure was inadequate in mostly patients
51(68%).Rickets was found in 57(76%) of patients of severe pneumonia.
Conclusions: Rickets was found in 57(76%) of patients of severe pneumonia. It is concluded
that nutritional rickets is very common in children under two year of age, hospitalized with severe




How to Cite

Amjad M, Masood N, Zaman N, Qamer M, Sumbal Ghazi S, Fazal S. Frequency of Nutritional Rickets Under Two Year Aged Children Admitted with Severe Pneumonia in The Department of Pediatrics, BBH, Rawalpindi. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];16(1):32-5. Available from:



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