Fat Fracture; Anterior And Medial Knee Pain Rare Cause


  • M. Amir Sohail
  • Kamran Butt




Blunt injury to the anterior aspect of knee results in a fracture of the patella or
contusion. And, injury to the extensor mechanism can result in partial or full thickness tear of the
patellar or quadriceps tendon. Ayoung girl suffered an injury to her knee after she hit her leg with a
hard object. Acute swelling in the suprapatellar and medial soft tissues concealed a palpable
defect, which initially was suspected a case of patellar dislocation. Magnetic resonance imaging
of the knee revealed an intact extensor mechanism; moreover, a partial tear of medial retinaculum
was foundalong with signal changes in the infrapatellar fat pad and diagnosed as a fat fracture.
Fat fracture is a rare diagnosis. As Conservative management failed, Arthroscopy of the knee was
done to debride the fat fracture that effectively treated the injury.
Blunt injury to the anterior part of knee can cause fracture of the patella or contusion,instability of
the patella, and tear of the quadriceps or ligamentum patellae.A blunt injury or undisplaced
fracture of the patella cancause point tenderness and anterior knee effusion. A communited
fracture of patella or tendon disruption typically has difficulty in extension of the leg. In literature
one case of Fat fracture of knee has been reported by blunt injury. Here we present a case of a 17-
year-old girl who face a blunt injury to her left knee after hitting her leg with the hard object and got
pain on the medial and anterior aspect of knee.




How to Cite

M. Amir Sohail, Butt K. Fat Fracture; Anterior And Medial Knee Pain Rare Cause. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];15(4):368-9. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/506



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