Evaluation of Uterine Structural Abnormalities; Trans-Vaginal Scan Versus Hysteroscopy


  • Raja Moeed Ullah Moeed Ullah
  • Wajid Ali
  • Bushra Haq
  • Nighat Haroon Khan
  • Saira Zafar
  • Tanzeel-uz-Zaman
  • Taabeer Malik
  • Shahid Malik




infertility, sonography, trans-vaginal scan, hysteroscopy, structural abnormalities


Objective: To assess diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound for uterine structural abnormalities as core part fertility work up taking hysteroscopy as gold standard.
Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at Radiology Department of Lahore
General Hospital in duration of six months. 385 cases were enrolled who reported infertility. TVS
was performed in the same cycle. All sonographic examinations were done by an expert
radiologist with 10 years of experience. The endometrial cavity was inspected in two
perpendicular plane sagittal and transverse views. Irregularities, thickness, echo pattern and any
distortion of the endometrium were noted. All patients underwent hysteroscopy. I also recorded
the findings in the patients who underwent hysteroscopy after transvaginal scan.
Results: The mean age was 33.2±6.97 years. Mean duration of infertility was 3.15±2.13 years Agreement between trans-vaginal scan and hysteroscopy in evaluating the uterine structural abnormalities causing infertility was assessed as 229(59.48%).
Conclusions: Conclusively, TVS structural abnormalities can be identified and hence we can lessen the investigation burden cost on couples who are to undergo a lot of investigations at the same time to find out structural abnormalities




How to Cite

Moeed Ullah RMU, Ali W, Haq B, Haroon Khan N, Zafar S, Tanzeel-uz-Zaman, Malik T, Malik S. Evaluation of Uterine Structural Abnormalities; Trans-Vaginal Scan Versus Hysteroscopy. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];15(4):304-8. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/490



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