Five Years Review of Trends in Maternal Mortality at Fatima Memorial Hospital Lahore


  • Fauzia Manno Khan
  • Samina Khurshid
  • Aimen Musa
  • Umtal Batool
  • Shanza Zafar



maternalmortality, Hemorrhage, pulmonary embolism


Objective: To determine the causes and factors leading to maternal mortality with main focus on
pulmonary embolism as cause of death in pregnancy
Methods: Review and Analysis of medical records of all maternal deaths occurred in FMH.
Demographic characteristics including age, socioeconomicstatus, address was retrieved from
record. Information regarding causes and events leading to death were gathered and results
Results: Between the year 2012-2017 there were 7856 live births and 28 maternal deaths were
observed during the period of study giving a combined MMR of 356.4/100,000 live births. Leading
cause of death was hemorrhage 36% followed by hypertensive diseases 18% and pulmonary
embolism14% respectively. Other causes were cardiac diseases and sepsis which caused 10%
and 7% deaths. Majority of deaths were observed in multigravid as 64%, unbooked and referred
patients 79%.
Conclusions: MMRis still very high due to hemorrhage and hypertensive diseases which are
preventable causes of death. Efforts should be made on primary, secondary and tertiary level to
ensure proper system of assessment, management and referral. Pulmonary embolism is major
cause of maternal death that cannot be ignored, deaths can be reduced by thromboprophylaxis
and active management of the disease.




How to Cite

Manno Khan F, Khurshid S, Musa A, Batool U, Zafar S. Five Years Review of Trends in Maternal Mortality at Fatima Memorial Hospital Lahore. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];15(1):38-41. Available from:



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