Microbial Flora Analysis of Urinary Tract Infection in Patients Suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome in Lahore, Pakistan


  • Fiaz Ahmad
  • Saba Shamim




nephrotic syndrome, urinary tract infection, bacteria, antibiotic sensitivity pattern


Objective: To find the microbial flora in urinary tract infection patients suffering from nephritic
syndrome in tertiary care hospital, Lahore.
Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital Lahore from June
2014 June 2016. A total of 500 samples were collected from nephrotic syndrome patients
suffered from UTI. The patients were divided in found age groups group 1 (15-25 years), group 2
(25-40 years), group 3 (40-60 years) and group 4 (above 60).Data was collected by using a
predesigned questionnaire. Midstream urine was collected in sterile container and processed by
standard microbiological methods. Frequency was determined by calculating the percentages.
Results: Out of 500 samples, females were found to be more affected i.e. 61 % (n=305) as
compared to males, 39 % (n=195). Both genders were found to be most affected in age group 25-
40 years (109 females: 92 males) and least was found in patients between 40 -60 years in females
while above 60 years in male patients. E. coli showed the highest frequency (71 %) and found in
all age groups, followed byKlebsiella (10%), S. aureus (10 %), Enterococcus (3 %),
Streptococcus (3 %) and P. aeruginosa (3 %). Gram positive bacteria showed sensitivity to
vancomycin, linzolid, ampicillin, nitrofurantoin, cephradin and penicillin. Gram negative bacteria
showed sensitivity to imipenem, meropenem, gentamicin, amikacin, sulfzone, tazocin, cefruxime
polymyxin B, colistin andnitrofurantoin.
Conclusions: Precautionary measures should be strictly followed to avoid infections and
complications in urinary system by proper cleanliness and awareness of sex education in adults.




How to Cite

Ahmad F, Shamim S. Microbial Flora Analysis of Urinary Tract Infection in Patients Suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome in Lahore, Pakistan. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];15(2):131-4. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/440



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