Diagnostic Outcomes Of The Females Presenting With Breast Lump In Surgical Department Services Hospital Lahore


  • Rohaba Shahid
  • Maryam Saghir
  • Haris Javed
  • Shabbar H Changazi
  • Mustansar Iqbal
  • Anam Zahra
  • Armghan Haider Ans




breast lump, breast cancer, benign, malignant


Objective: To identify the possible diagnostic outcomes of a breast lump in females.
Methods: t was a case series study design. It was carried out in the surgical departments of the
Services Hospital Lahore from August 2017 to June 2018. Female patients aged above 15 years
presenting to surgical outdoors with a breast lump were included in this study. Patients with a
previous history of breast surgery, concurrent skin disease involving the breast, and non-
cooperative patients were excluded from the study. Patients with a breast lump were then
assessed through triple assessment, which included history and clinical examination, radiology
and cytology or histopathology as required. All the data collected was entered and compiled using
SPSS software. All the descriptive variables were analyzed in terms of frequency tables and
Results: The age of the patients ranged from 15 to 75 years with 60% of the patients were of 40
years or above and 40% were below 40 years of age. 40% of the patients were illiterate and 60%
were literate while 88% were married and 12% were unmarried. Out of 200 patients, 104 (52%)
had a mobile lump while 96 (48%) had a fixed lump, 186 (93%) had a hard lump whereas 14 (7%)
had a soft lump, 134 (67%) had a painless lump while 66 (33%) had a painful lump, 32 (16%)
patients with breast lump had a nipple discharge while 168 (84%) patients had no nipple
discharge, and 45 (22.5%) patients with breast lump had skin changes while 155 (77.5%) had
normal skin texture. Out of 200 patients, 84 (42%) were diagnosed with fibroadenoma, 106 (53%)
were diagnosed with carcinoma, 4 (2%) with phyllodes tumor, 4 (2%) with simple breast cyst, 1
(0.5%) with sarcoma and 1 (0.5%) with tuberculosis of breast.
Conclusions: It was concluded that 57% of the patients presenting with breast lump had a
malignant disease with breast carcinoma being the most common lesion and 43% of patients had
a benign disease with fibroadenoma being the most prevalent disease.




How to Cite

Shahid R, Saghir M, Javed H, H Changazi S, Iqbal M, Zahra A, Haider Ans A. Diagnostic Outcomes Of The Females Presenting With Breast Lump In Surgical Department Services Hospital Lahore. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];15(2):127-30. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/438



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