COVID-19 Awareness Among Medical Students of Different Universities of Pakistan


  • Hina Bukhari
  • Bushra Adeel
  • Tayyeba Komal
  • Prof Saeed Ahmed
  • Filza Saeed
  • Sami Ullah Mumtaz



COVID-19, Pandemic, Attitude, Practices, Awareness


Objective: To evaluate the awareness about COVID-19 among medical students of different universities of Pakistan.
Methods: It is a cross sectional study. In which we assessed the awareness of 254, 3rd year and 4th year
medical students of King Edward Medical University and Rashid Latif Medical college about novel COVID-
19 disease during this current pandemic. The surveillance of this awareness among 254 medical students
about COVID-19 was done through a KAP study. An online questionnaire was used to collect the
demographic details, knowledge, attitude towards the disease and practices of the medical students.
Results: All the 254 students of KEMU and RLMC had good knowledge about COVID-19, its symptoms,
incubation period, disease fatality and prevention.99.6% students were well aware about source of infection
and its route of transmission.55.5% students were satisfied with the precautionary steps taken by the
government while 86.6% were afraid to go to the crowded places and 63% believed that there is stigma
associated with COVID-19 pandemic.75.6% always used Soap/Hand Gel to wash hands for 20 seconds and
87.8% always ensured that mask fits properly and covers nose and mouth completely. About 96.9%avoid
normal daily life activities.
Conclusion: This study concludes that majority of the medical students have good knowledge, positive
attitude and sufficient practices. But practices of hand hygiene, mask usage and social distancing should be
emphasized. Medical students play a vital role in society as they can educate public about the pandemic and
its precautions to prevent further spread of the disease. Hence, continued efforts are required to strengthen
knowledge, attitude and practices towards COVID-19, so that Pakistan can win the battle against this




How to Cite

Bukhari H, Adeel B, Komal T, Saeed Ahmed P, Saeed F, Ullah Mumtaz S. COVID-19 Awareness Among Medical Students of Different Universities of Pakistan. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];16(1):56-60. Available from: