Correlation Between Hand Length And Stature


  • Dr Muhammad Asif M Asif Sialkot Medical College, Sialkot
  • Saima Manzoor Assistant Professor of Forensic Medicine, University of Lahore
  • Usman Butt
  • Aftab Alam Tanoli
  • Anwar Khan
  • Muhammad Adil



Anthropometry. Stature, right hand length(RHL), left hand length(LHL), correlation


Objective: The main objective is to know the correlation between hand length and height so that a regression equation could be obtained to use for personal identification.

Method: A correlational study conducted at Sialkot medical college between April, 2022 to June, 2022. Only female students of Sialkot medical college were selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique. Sample size was 141. Those having any deformity of vertebral column and hand deformity were not selected. After taking informed consent measurements were taken. Stadiometer was used to measure the height and vernier caliber was used to measure hand length. The measurements were taken in inches.  Descriptive data was calculated by using SPSS 25. Correlation was found and regression equation was obtained. Regression curve was also obtained. Graphs and table were formed.

Results: Value of pearson coefficient between right hand length and height was 0.780 and between left hand length and height was 0.752.

Conclusion: Hand length can be used to estimate height of the person helping to short list the persons to be identified.




How to Cite

M Asif DMA, Dr Saima Manzoor, Butt U, Alam Tanoli A, Khan A, Adil M. Correlation Between Hand Length And Stature . Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 May 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];19(01):78-81. Available from:



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