Experience of Dops (Direct Observation Practical Skills) By Postgraduate General Surgical Residents of Lahore


  • Pir muneeb rehman Azra Naheed Medical college
  • Prof Dr Muhammad Atif Qureshi Azra Naheed Medical College, Superior University Lahore
  • Prof Dr Muhammad Zahid Latif




Objective: The Objective of this study is to evaluate the experience of DOPS in general surgical residents based on their perspective of its usefulness in assessment and improvement of procedural skills.

Methodology: The cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted over a period of two weeks among postgraduate residents of FCPS in government and private hospitals of Lahore. Data was collected through a questionnaire. Each resident answered to one response at a time. Response 01 corresponds to DOPS as a useful tool of assessment and response 02 as DOPS not a useful tool of assessment. Data was analyzed using SPSS 26.0.

Results: There were 189 residents in the sample. Most of the resident 156(82.5%) selected DOPS as useful tool of assessment while 33(17.4%) considered it as not a useful method of assessment. In response 01 group Almost all residents 155(99.4%) considered DOPS a more practical assessment method. All of the resident were having consensus that it helped them in improving skill and knowledge. However, Residents who disagreed that DOPS has improved their time management were 11(7.1%). Residents who do not have a freedom to choose a skill to perform and assess by assessor were 57(36.5%). Constructive feedback was not given in 26(16.7%) of residents. In response 02 group Assessor appointment was considered difficult by 32(97%) of residents. Feedback in 30(90%) residents was not given soon after DOPS. Residents who agreed that they do not have the prior orientation of DOPS were 32(97%). Most of the residents 69.9 % and 66.7% were assessed by Senior registrar of department in group 01 and group 02 respectively.


Conclusion: DOPS is a cost effective, feasible method of assessment with direct observation of trainee while performing a skill and constructive feedback should be given in time for improvement in future performance.




How to Cite

rehman P muneeb, Prof Dr Muhammad Atif Qureshi, Prof Dr Muhammad Zahid Latif. Experience of Dops (Direct Observation Practical Skills) By Postgraduate General Surgical Residents of Lahore. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 May 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];19(01):91-5. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/35



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