Efficacy of inhaled salbutamol in the management of Transient tachypnoea of Newborn


  • Shaukat Hussain
  • Muhammad Arslan Farooq
  • Muhammad Tayyab
  • Isfand Yar Khan




Transient Tachypnea of newborn, management, inhaled salbutamol, outcome


Objective: To compare the outcome of salbutamol nebulization with controls (normal saline) in transient tachypnea of newborn.
Methods: In this randomized controlled trial 284 (142 in each group) neonates were included with gestational age above 35 weeks of any gender. Study was conducted in Department of Pediatrics Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi. Sampling technique was consecutive non probability sampling. Duration of study was 6 months. Sample size had been calculated using WHO calculator; Significance level 5%, Power of test 80%, Population mean 5.4, Test value of population mean 4.8, Standard Deviation 1.8. At admission complete blood picture, C-reactive protein and chest x-ray were done. Group-1 received salbutamol nebulization at a dose of 0.15mg / kg / dose for 10 minutes in 2ml normal saline QID while Group-2 received only normal saline nebulization 2ml QID in 24 hours. Double blinding was ensured and in case of any side effects of salbutamol (tachycardia, arrhythmias and hypoglycemia) treatment was stopped immediately and managed accordingly.
Results: In this study, comparison of outcome of inhaled salbutamol with controls in transient tachypnea of newborn shows that respiratory rate per minute was 50.15+2.34 in Group-1 and 64.92+2.70 in Group-2, p value was 0.0001, heart rate per minute in Group-1 was recorded as 120.08+2.36 and 134.79+3.27 in Group- 2, p value was 0.0001, oxygen saturation(%) was 97.27+0.92 in Group-1 and 83.28+1.81 in Group-2, p value was 0.0001, duration of oxygen therapy(hours) was recorded as 15.49+1.84 in Group-1 and 27.78+5.57 in Group-2, value of p was 0.0001, duration of hospitalization(days) was recorded as 2.03+0.45 in Group-1 and 5.07+0.72 in Group-2 while value of P was 0.0001
Conclusion: Salbutamol Nebulization is more effective than normal saline in TTN.




How to Cite

Hussain S, Arslan Farooq M, Tayyab M, Yar Khan I. Efficacy of inhaled salbutamol in the management of Transient tachypnoea of Newborn. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];16(3):28-31. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/338



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