Self Medication Practices in Medical Students of Nishter Medical University; A Cross Sectional Study


  • Noaman Ishaq Bakhtawar Amin Medical and Dental College
  • Muhammad Usama Ilyas Udergraduate Medical student, Nishtar Medical University
  • Maria Priamary and Secondary health department. RHC Shehar Sultan , District Muzaffar ghar
  • Kamran Ahmed Malik Undergraduate Medical student Nishtar Medical University Multan
  • Zainab Rahman Undergraduate Medical student Army medical College Rawalpindi
  • Nausheen Ata Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad
  • Hafiz Bilal Murtaza University of Agriculture Faisalabad



Self Medication, Clinical Students, Pre-clinical students


Objective: This study aims to evaluate how medical students perceive and use self-medication. We also intend to find how the prevalence varies between the pre-clinical (MBBS Year 1and 2) and clinical (MBBS Year 3,4 and 5) students.
Material and Method: The study was carried out in Nishtar Medical University from Aug 2022 to Oct 2022. A total of 400 students, 200 preclinical and 200 clinical, were chosen through non probability convenient sampling and were asked to fill a pre designed questionnaire form to complete this cross-sectional study.
Results: Comparison of the prevalence of self-medication in clinical and preclinical students exhibited a p value of 0.026, with 84.2 % clinical and 74.7% pre-clinical students practicing self-medications.
Conclusion: It has been observed that medical students frequently perform self-medication in both their preclinical and clinical groups.


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How to Cite

Ishaq N, Ilyas MU, Maria, Malik KAM, Rahman Z, Ata N, Murtaza HB. Self Medication Practices in Medical Students of Nishter Medical University; A Cross Sectional Study. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];19(3):300-4. Available from:



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