Effect of Frequent Antenatal Visits on Fetomaternal Outcome in Low Risk Obetetrics Patients


  • Uzma Aziz
  • Madiha Afzal
  • Sadia Sharif
  • Javeria Mushtaq
  • Nayyara Tahir




Frequent antenatal visits (ANVs), maternal outcome, fetal outcome


Objective: To determine the effect of frequency of antenatal visits on fetomaternal outcome in low-risk obstetrics patients.
Methods: It is a retrospective descriptive study on women delivering at Arif Memorial Teaching Hospital. The antenatal record of the study population was reviewed on admission. The maternal and fetal complications were recorded.
Results: Amongst 336 patients, delivered in duration of 3 months period, 271 (80.5%) patients had at least one antenatal visit while 65 (19.3%) patients had no visit (unregistered). From demographic profile, the maximum number of patients having 5-8 or >8 visits, they were between 20-35 years of age, primigravidas, urban residents, upper class patients having education of intermediate or more. Healthy mothers were seen in >8 and 5-8 visit group i.e. 10 (90.9%) and 150 (83.3%) respectively. The maternal complications like anemia (46.1, 26.2, 10.5, 9%), PIH (12.5%, 4.4%, 0%), APH (7.6%, 2.5%, 0.5%, 0%) PPH (4.6%, 2.5%, 1.1, 0%),eclampsia (3%,1.2%,0%,0%) and ruptured uterus (1.5%, 0%, 0%, 0%) were found to be inversely proportional to the increasing frequency of antenatal visits i.e. unregistered, 1-4,5-8 and>8 visits respectively. Perinatal complicationslike lowbirthweight(23%, 10%, 1.6%, 0%), preterm(16.9%, 10%, 2.2%,0%), intrauterine death (6.1%, 2.5%, 0, 0%) NICU admission (12.3%, 6.2%, 2.2%, 0%) and early neonatal death (9.2%, 2.5%, 0%, 0%) were found gradually decreasing with increasing number of antenatal visits.
Conclusion: We concluded that the provision of proper antenatal care through frequent antenatal visits is mandatory for having a better fetomaternal outcome. Although the attendance for antenatal checkups is quite encouraging in our study along with attendance, the quality of antenatal care needs to be strengthened too.




How to Cite

Aziz U, Afzal M, Sharif S, Mushtaq J, Tahir N. Effect of Frequent Antenatal Visits on Fetomaternal Outcome in Low Risk Obetetrics Patients. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];17(4):342-6. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/312



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