Comparing the Effectiveness of Chlorhexidine Versus Ethanol against Preventing Cord Infections in Neonates Born in a Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Saira Riaz
  • Bushra Haq
  • Robina Tariq
  • Ammara Gill
  • Sadia Aman
  • Allia Bashir



omphalitis, neonates, ethanol, chlorhexidine, cord care


Objective: To compare the frequency of omphalitis with 4% chlorhexidine versus ethanol for cord care in neonates born in a tertiary care hospital
Methods: It was randomized control trial and place of study was Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Services Hospital, Lahore. Study period was 6 months i.e. from (12-09-2017) to (12-03-2018). Data was collected from a total of 80 cases. Then females were randomly allocated in two groups. In group A, females were advised to clean the umbilical cord stump of neonate with 4% chlorhexidine. In group B, females were advised to clean umbilical cord with ethanol. Omphalitis was noted. Data was entered and analysed by using SPSS version 20.
Results: The c-section delivery was done in 45 number of patients (56.25%), SVD was done in 29 number of patients (36.25%) and instrumental delivery done in 6 number of patients (7.50%). Omphalitis was noted in 27 number of patients (33.75%), out of which 7 were from Chlorhexidine group and 20 were from ethanol group (p-value=0.002)
Conclusion: According to study of Özdemir H et al risk of omphalitis was found significantly reduced with use of 4% chlorhexidine as compared to use of ethanol for cord care.




How to Cite

Riaz S, Haq B, Tariq R, Gill A, Aman S, Bashir A. Comparing the Effectiveness of Chlorhexidine Versus Ethanol against Preventing Cord Infections in Neonates Born in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];17(4):337-41. Available from:



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