Current Status of Knowledge and Awareness of Doctors Regarding Medicolegal Work


  • Muhammad Asif Mughal Sialkot medical college
  • Usman Shahid Butt
  • Shaiqa Ramzan
  • Rehana Mushtaq
  • Zanib Ahsan
  • Hadiqa Iftikhar



Medical ethics, consent, Isqat i hammal, Isqat i janien, Postmortem Lividity


Objective: To get information about knowledge of doctors in the field of forensic medicine.
Method: It was a cross sectional study. Convenience sampling technique was adopted. Study duration was 2 months and 10 days i.e., 6th May to 16th July 2023. Sample size was 200. Study centre was Sialkot medical college, Sialkot. A questionnaire containing 18 questions from different parts of forensic medicine was distributed to 200 doctors through e mail. Data was analysed by using SPSS version 25. It was presented in table form.
Results: All doctors replied. Knowledge related to medical ethics was 100%. Law related issues had least knowledge. Eagerness to go in this field was only 22%.
Conclusion: Most of the doctors are reluctant to choose forensic medicine as their future field. Overall knowledge was not good enough. It needs to be motivated and induce eagerness in this field by explaining the importance of this subject to the students and graduates of medicine.


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How to Cite

Mughal MA, shahid butt U, Ramzan S, Mushtaq R, Ahsan zanib, Iftikhar H. Current Status of Knowledge and Awareness of Doctors Regarding Medicolegal Work. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];19(3):296-9. Available from:



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