Comparison of Diagnostic Accuracy of Modified Alvarado's Score Vs AIR Score in Acute Appendicitis


  • Dr Muzaffar Aziz Nishtar Medical College Multan
  • Abdul Hannan Javaid
  • Muhammad Ayub
  • Hajra Khan
  • Umama Hayat Qureshi
  • Khalid Hussain Qureshi



Appendicitis, Histopathology, AIR, MASS


Objective: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of MASS Vs AIR score in patients with acute appendicitis taking histopathology as gold standard.
Material and Methods: Study design is cross sectional study (Validation). The study took place in the  Department of General Surgery Nishtar Hospital Multan form 2nd august 2022 to 1 Feb 2023. The technique used for sampling is Non-Pro-bability consecutive sampling. Sample size is calculated using PASS 11, through formula for paired sensitivities (McNemar test). In total, 148 patients with diagnosis of acutely inflamed appendix, fulfilling the inclusion criteria, after taking informed consent, were enrolled. Baseline
data including age, gender, MASS and AIRS was noted.
Results: patients were having a mean age of 32.91±9.06 years. There were 97(65.54%) male and 51(34.46%) female. Histopathology showed 114(77.03%) patients had acute appendicitis. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV& DAwas 71.05%, 85.29%, 94.18%, 46.77%&74.23% respectively for MASS. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV& DAwas 94.49%, 88.23%, 96.49%, 88.23% &94.59% respectively for AIR.
Conclusion: AIR score is an improved diagnostic scoring system than MASS for acute appendicitis.AIR is more sensitive and more specific than MASS. In addition, the two scores can be easily computed through a detailed history and clinical exam and basic laboratory tests.


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How to Cite

Dr Muzaffar Aziz, Hannan Javaid A, Ayub M, Khan H, Hayat Qureshi U, Hussain Qureshi K. Comparison of Diagnostic Accuracy of Modified Alvarado’s Score Vs AIR Score in Acute Appendicitis. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];19(3):292-5. Available from:



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