Risk of Diabetes and Renal Dysfunctions in Postmenopausal Women using AntidepressantsforShort Term


  • MOHAMMAD YOUSAF deptt of chemistry islamia college universiyu
  • Laila Akber
  • Adil Yousaf
  • Javeria Imtiaz




Urea, Creatinine, Anti-depressant, post-menopausal


Objective: To study the use of antidepressants for a short period and the risk of diabetes and kidney functions in postmenopausal women of Peshawar city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Material and Methods: The patient group (PG) consisted of 140 postmenopausal women taking various antidepressants drugs for ≥3 and <6 months, and 140 postmenopausal women from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa general population as controls. Serum urea was measured using the UV kinetic method, serum creatinine was measured using the modified Jaffe method, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was measured using the rapid ion-exchange resin separation method.
Results: Mean age was 51.65 ± 5.81 years in the control group (CG), 43.09 ± 6.28 years in the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) group, and 45.33 ± 5.15 years in the PG tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) 2group. Mean BMI for the CG, SSRI, and TCAgroups was 25.42 ± 5.04, 30.49 ± 7.25, and 28.71 ± 7.78 kg/m , respectively. Mean serum urea in the CG, SSRI and TCAgroups was 27.07 ± 7.78, 30.17 ± 30.39 and 21.40 ± 3.56 mg/dl, respectively. Mean serum creatinine in the CG, SSRI and TCAgroups was 0.85 ± 0.21, 0.70±0.28
and 0.67±0.09 mg/dl, respectively. Mean HbA1c in the CG, SSRI, and TCA groups were 6.06±0.59, 5.67±0.56, and 5.45 ± 0.49%, respectively. Mean fasting blood glucose levels in the CG, SSRI, and TCA groups was 85.37 ± 8.34, 79.96 ± 7.85, and 76.96 ± 7.04 mg/ld., respectively.
Conclusion: The result of this study showed that short term use of SSRIs, and TCAs may lower the risk of diabetes and renal dysfunctions in postmenopausal women


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How to Cite

YOUSAF M, Akber L, Yousaf A, Imtiaz J. Risk of Diabetes and Renal Dysfunctions in Postmenopausal Women using AntidepressantsforShort Term. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];19(3):309-12. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/305



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