Making a Difference in Surgery


  • Alan D. L. Sihoe Honorary Consultant in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital


When asked what motivates them in their work, one commonly given answer by many doctors and surgeons is the feeling that they are “making a difference” for their patients. Surgery uniquely
rewards those who practice it diligently with the satisfaction that their efforts can directly determine the difference between life or death, wellness or suffering for those they care for.
It follows that conscientious surgeons strive to constantly improve their craft, so that they can make even greater differences in outcomes. For many surgeons around the world, inspiration for such improvements can usually be found in the pages of quality surgical journals – such as Esculapio. In such journals, reports of the latest clinical and academic research are mixed with descriptions of how interesting diseases and patients were managed. Presentations of major trial findings at international surgical meetings are another rich source of new knowledge. For those looking for clues to self- improvement, the most readily appreciated articles and presentations are often those that describe the latest surgical techniques and technology. These are cornerstones of modern surgical practice, and it makes sense that the modern surgeon is most easily attracted by the newest developments in these areas. However, it is perhaps time for surgeons to pause and recalibrate. Exciting as they may be, are advances in techniques and technology really the best way to make a difference in surgery today? Or are there other less glamorous– but perhaps more effective – ways in which surgeons can improve the lot of their patients? In addressing this question, let us consider the author's specialty: Thoracic Surgery. Over the past year, what were the studies that really had the
potential to allow thoracic surgeons to make a better difference?

Author Biography

Alan D. L. Sihoe, Honorary Consultant in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital


Honorary Consultant in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital


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How to Cite

Alan D. L. Sihoe. Making a Difference in Surgery. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];17(4):317-20. Available from:



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