Reasons of TB Treatment Non Compliance


  • Khawaja Ijaz Awais Sharif medical city hospital lahore
  • M. Arslan Rasheed
  • Zoha Ejaz
  • Taj Jamshaid
  • Saim
  • Ahmad Latif



Tuberculosis, Drug resistance, Patient education, infectious disease, Respiratory infections.



Objective: To assess the prevalence and reasons of non compliance to treatment of tuberculosis among the
patients of Sharif medical city Hospital Lahore.

Material and Methods: 150 patients of tuberculosis were taken as a sample based upon non-probability convenient
sampling. The data was collected by the investigators themselves with the use of semi-structured
questionnaire that was finalized after pre-testing.

Results: The data was analysed by putting into IBM statistics SPSS software. All the respondents(100%)
have already heard about tuberculosis. The pooled prevalence of non compliance to TB is 44.4%.

Conclusion: Overall level of knowledge about tuberculosis and its practices among the patients of
tuberculosis attending Sharif medical city hospital Lahore was found satisfactory (40%). The majority of
respondents are not taking medicine because of side effects of drugs (41.3%), fear of drugs (40%), long
duration of TB treatment (62.7%) and TB clinic is far from home (66.7%).


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How to Cite

Awais KI, Rasheed MA, Ejaz Z, Jamshaid T, Saim, Latif A. Reasons of TB Treatment Non Compliance. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];19(2):222-5. Available from:



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