Addressing the Global Pandemic of Violence Against Women


  • Shehla Baqai CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry


Violence against women and girls (VAW&G) is a grave violation of fundamental human rights. It is a major global, public health issue that violates autonomy and hinders development. VAW&G is now a global pandemic being endemic in every country, culture and social strata; causing deliberate harm to millions of women and their families. VAW&G is devastatingly pervasive and starts at an alarmingly young age with reports of sexual abuse of girls as young as six months. At times may start in utero with female feticide. VAW&G can take many forms –from domestic violence to trafficking, sexual abuse to child marriage, genital mutilation to femicide. The perpetrator usually is someone closely known to the family. Violence not only affects women's physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health adversely, but also has negative impact on family, society and country. VAW has tremendous financial impact, due to greater health care and legal expenses, reduced productivity; resulting in lesser national budget and overall development of the nation....


How to cite: Baqai S. Addressing the Global Pandemic of Violence Against Women...Esculapio 2021;17(03):

Author Biography

Shehla Baqai, CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dean Clinical Sciences, CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of


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How to Cite

Baqai S. Addressing the Global Pandemic of Violence Against Women. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];17(3):219-21. Available from:



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