Frequency of Hypertension in Patients Diagnosed with Sensorineural Hearing Loss At a Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Faisal Rafiq Assistant Professor ENT, SIMS
  • Mazhar Iftikhar Assistant Professor. ENT Unit-I, SIMS
  • Jawad Ahmad Assistant Professor. ENT Unit-II, SIMS
  • Sana Nadeem Senior Registrar ENT Unit-I, S.H.L
  • Azam Khan Assistant Professor
  • Ghulam Murtaza Professor ENT Unit-I, SIMS



Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Hypertension


Objective: To determine frequency of hypertension in adult patients diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss and to determine which hearing frequencies & degrees are more affected with respect to grades of  hypertension.
Method: This is a Cross sectional study which was conducted in the ENT Department UNIT-I, Services  Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore / Services Hospital, Lahore. Duration of this study was One year from  May 2020 to April2021.100 patients who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled for the study. Then history  of patient for hypertension was taken and blood pressure was also checked on the spot and hypertension was  labelled accordingly. Hearing thresholds were assessed via pure tone audiometry by delivering pure tones at  frequencies of 125-8000hz at the intensities from 0 dB to 120 dB in 5 dB steps to check for both air and bone  conduction by using Garson Stadler audiometer & categorized according to WHO criteria of normal hearing  <25dB, mild 26-40dB, moderate 41-60 dB, severe 6180dB, profound > 80 dB hearing loss.
Results: Patients' mean age was 47.70±9.04 years, 67(67%) patients were male. The hypertension was found  in 55(55%) patients in which grade I severity of hypertension was noted in 42(76.4 %) patients and grade II  severity of hypertension was noted in 13(23.6%) patients.
Conclusion: According to this study the frequency of hypertension was 55% in adult patients with  sensorineural hearing loss in which 76.4% had grade I and 23.6% had grade II hypertension

Author Biographies

Faisal Rafiq, Assistant Professor ENT, SIMS


Mazhar Iftikhar, Assistant Professor. ENT Unit-I, SIMS

Assistant Professor. ENT Unit-I, SIMS

Jawad Ahmad, Assistant Professor. ENT Unit-II, SIMS

Assistant Professor. ENT Unit-II, SIMS

Sana Nadeem, Senior Registrar ENT Unit-I, S.H.L

ENT Unit-I, S.H.L

Azam Khan, Assistant Professor

ENT, North West School of Medicine, KPK

Ghulam Murtaza, Professor ENT Unit-I, SIMS



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How to Cite

Rafiq F, Iftikhar M, Ahmad J, Nadeem S, Khan A, Murtaza G. Frequency of Hypertension in Patients Diagnosed with Sensorineural Hearing Loss At a Tertiary Care Hospital. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];19(2):156-61. Available from:



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