Outcomes After Close Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning of Gartland Type III & IVSupracondylarDistal Humerus Fracture in Children


  • Muhammad Akhtar
  • Shahzad Anver Qureshi
  • Muhammad Tasneem Javed
  • Omer Iqbal Cheema
  • Muhammad Taqi
  • Mumraiz Naqshband
  • Faisal Masood
  • Anwer Ali




Gartland type III & IV, Supracondylar Fracture, Humerus Fracture, Percutaneous Pinning


Objective: To assess the outcome and complications after close reduction and fixation with k wires of
Gartland type III & IVsupracondylar fracture of Humerus in children.
Method: This prospective study was done using a non-probability purposive sampling technique between
November2009toOctober2020.200children, agebetween01-10yearGartlandIII&IVsupracondylarfracture of
distal humerus presented within 48-hour of the injury were included, and children with neurovascular injury,
refracture, skeletal dysplasia, open fractures, and trauma presenting after 2 days were excluded. Maximum
three Close attempts were made to reduce the fracture and K-wires were used to fix the supracondylar fracture.
Flynn criteria, ROM, Ulno-humeral angle, carrying angle, and Bouman angle were assessed at each followup visit. Bone union by hammer et al and complication were evaluated.
Results: There were 133 (66.5%) were boys, and 67 (33.5%) were girls. The mean age of the children was 5.2
± 3.1years having rightside dominance 122 (61%). Gartland type-IIIfracture was 115 (57.5%), and type IV was
85 (42.5%). Only 03 (1.5%) had transient ulnar nerve palsy while there was no vascular injury. Superficial
infection at the pin site was observed in 10 (5%) children and one (0.5%) case of pin migration. Cubitus varus
deformity was observed in 03 (1.5%). Although, the operative site has decreased ROM by Baumann angle,
and carrying angle, results were excellent (61%) to good (39%) according to Flynn's Criteria.
Conclusion: Closed reduction and pin fixation in Gartland type III & IV supracondylar fractures in children
is the preferred option with early pin removal and physiotherapy.

How to cite: Akhtar M, Qureshi SA, Javed MT, Cheema OI, Taqi M, Naqshband M, Masood F, Ali A. Outcomes After
Close Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning of Gartland Type III & IV Supracondylar Distal Humerus Fracture in
Children. Esculapio - JSIMS 2022;18(04):248-252




How to Cite

Akhtar M, Qureshi SA, Javed MT, Cheema OI, Taqi M, Naqshband M, Masood F, Ali A. Outcomes After Close Reduction and Percutaneous Pinning of Gartland Type III & IVSupracondylarDistal Humerus Fracture in Children. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];18(4):521-4. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/144



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