How Accurate are the Clinical and Biochemical Markers in Predicting Histological Chorioamnionitis AfterPPROM?


  • Ameelia Sadaqat
  • Saira Rathore
  • Nayyer Sultana
  • Rashida Mushtaq
  • Sanam Mahmood



Chorioamnionitis, preterm pre-labor rupture of membranes


Objective: To investigate the effects histological chorioamnionitis(HCA) can produce on clinical features and biochemical inflammatory markers in mothers and infants after PPROM which may help with detection of HCA.
Method: This cross-sectional study included 70 mother-infant pairs presenting to GTTH and CPTH Lahore. Gestational age at presentation, duration of ROM, maternal pulse, abdominal tenderness, colour of liquor, maternal and cord blood TLC and CRP, results of HVS, neonatal blood culture and mode of delivery were recorded on a pre-designed proforma.
Results: Mean age of females was 27.5±4.05 years, mean gestational age at ROM was 32 weeks 6 days, median 34 and mode 35 weeks. Mean duration of ROM was 46.4± 51.4 hours. HCAwas confirmed in 14/70 patients. MaternalTLCin HCA+ve group was 14784.29±5958.44 /ml3 and in non-HCAgroup was 12834.29 ± 33772.56 /ml . Maternal CRP in HCAand non-HCAgroup was 23.2±20.58 and 14.82±19.19 mg/Lrespectively.According to ourstudy the sensitivity and specificity of maternalTLCfor detecting HCAwas 21.4% and 87.5%
respectively. Sensitivity of CRP was 14.2% and specificity 57.1%. Mean cord blood TLC and CRP in HCA 3 3+ve was 15182.86±6114.96/ml and 5.958±.27mg/L. In HCA-ve group cbTLC was 13097.04±8437.26 ml
and CRPwas 5.84±11.88mg/L.
Conclusion: None of the specific clinical features or the biochemical investigations were statistically significant in detecting histological chorioamnionitis in patients presenting with PPROM.

How to cite: Sadaqat A, Rathore S, Sultan N, Mushtaq R, Mahmood S. How Accurate are the Clinical and Biochemical
Markers in Predicting Histological Chorioamnionitis After PPROM? Esculapio - JSIMS 2022;18(04):248-252




How to Cite

Sadaqat A, Rathore S, Sultan N, Mushtaq R, Mahmood S. How Accurate are the Clinical and Biochemical Markers in Predicting Histological Chorioamnionitis AfterPPROM?. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];18(4):516-20. Available from:



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