Prevalence of Constipation in Healthy Population, an Observational Cross Sectional Study


  • Asma Sikandar
  • Syeda Maryam Wasif
  • Mohsin Zaheer
  • Sarwat Nazir
  • Aasia Noor
  • Nadir Zafar Khan
  • Ahsan Numan


Objective: To assess the prevalence of constipation in healthy population ,study was done at hospital employees and students at PGMI/Lahore General hospital , Lahore .
Methods: This was an observational cross sectional study done in sample population that includes employees and students at PGMI/Lahore general Hospital. All subjects were given set of questions which include 4 constipation related symptoms.
1 - Frequency of bowel movements on a scale of 0- 4.
2 - Difficulty or painful evacuation effort on a scale of 0-4.
3 - Assistance required to evacuate.
4 - Duration of symptoms.
Total score was 15 of which 7 was the cut off score, people reporting score 7 and above were considered as constipated while below 7 were healthy non-constipated.
Results: Total 778 healthy individuals (clinically) interviewed. The age range was between 10year to 60 years old.66% participants were female whereas 34% were male. According to set of questions 14% participants reported constipation.
Conclusions: Constipation is a common complaint but poorly defined clinical constellation, the definition of constipation is different among studies, where most studies are based on a questionnaire and may result from organic condition. Overall, prevalence of constipation in adults has been estimated as 16% worldwide which is very close to our finding of 14% of healthy population reporting constipation. Demographics of subjects of most of 14% are female and above 55 years of age.
Keywords: constipation, healthy individuals, PGMI/Lahore General Hospital .




How to Cite

Asma Sikandar, Syeda Maryam Wasif, Mohsin Zaheer, Sarwat Nazir, Aasia Noor, Nadir Zafar Khan, Ahsan Numan. Prevalence of Constipation in Healthy Population, an Observational Cross Sectional Study. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];15(1):91-3. Available from:



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