Demographic and Clinical Correlates of Deliberate Self-harm in Patients with Substance Use Disorder


  • Nadia Haroon
  • Richard R. Howell
  • Aysha Butt
  • Ali Anjum
  • Sadia Nikhet
  • Sana Haroon



Deliberate Self-Harm, Substance Use Disorder, Epidemiology


Objective: To evaluate the demographic and clinical correlates of deliberate self-harm in patients with substance use disorder.
Method: Correlational research design, the study was conducted in out-patient Department of Psychiatry, Services Hospital, Lahore. 75 male participants gave their consent to participate in the study. Demographic form comprised of information i.e. age, education, marital status, type and years of substance use, no. of hospitalization and relapses, history and means of self-harm etc were gathered. The participants with selfharm history were then given an Inventory of Deliberate Self-Harm to assess the means of self-harm. Descriptive analysis i.e. means, standard deviation, frequency and percentages were calculated for relevant variables. Pearson's Correlation was employed to assess the association between scale variables.
Results: The frequency ofself-harm was 45.3% in the presentstudy.The findings were significantly associated with being unemployed, long standing history of substance use, and opioid use disorder.
Conclusion: Keeping in view the high frequency ofself-harm in substance use disorder, practical consideration should be taken by health care system to manage this issue at immediate level.

How to cite: Haroon N, Howell RR, Butt A, Anjum A, Nikhet S, Haroon S. Demographic and Clinical Correlates of
Deliberate Self-harm in Patients with Substance Use Disorder. Esculapio - JSIMS 2022;18(04):248-252




How to Cite

Haroon N, Howell RR, Butt A, Ali Anjum, Nikhet S, Haroon S. Demographic and Clinical Correlates of Deliberate Self-harm in Patients with Substance Use Disorder. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];18(4):448-51. Available from:



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