Seroma Formation Between Flap and Non-flap Fixation Following Mastectomy in Term of Age and Type of Surgery in Breast Cancer Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Ammarah Zia
  • Sidra Mehmood Dar
  • Sehrish Siddique,
  • Jahangir Sarwar Khan
  • Rubina Shahzad



seroma, modified radical mastectomy, flap fixation


Objection: To compare the adequacy of flap fixation and non-flap fixation for preventing seroma formation, depending upon age and type of surgery in patients undergoing mastectomy, at RMU Allied Hospitals following mastectomy.
Method: Randomized controlled trialsetting of thisstudy was Surgical units of Rawalpindi medical university (RMU) & Allied Hospital. Duration of this study was conducted from October 2019 to April 2020. Sample size of 114 cases was enlisted in the study. Non probability, consecutive sampling. Patients were equally randomized to flap-fixation (Group A) and non-flap fixation (Group B). Patients of both groups were followed up 48 hours postoperatively for seroma formation as evident by palpation and aspiration. Results were analysed using SPSS software and p-value ≤0.05 considered significant.
Results: In group A(Flap Fixation), seroma formation was noted in 22.8% (n=13) patients, while in group B (Non-Flap Fixation) it was noted in 45.6% (n=26) patients only (p-value 0.010). In group A, mean aspired fluid found to be 28.46 ml ±15.19SD while it was noted as 30.00 ml ±13.78SD in group B.
Conclusion: The patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy and above 50 years of age are significantly(p-value≤0.05) associatedwith seroma formation followingmastectomy.Whereas,flap fixation ismore useful technique than non-flap fixation for minimizing post mastectomy seroma formation.

How to cite: Zia A, Dar SM, Siddique S, Khan JS, Shahzad R. Seroma Formation Between Flap and Non-flap Fixation
Following Mastectomy in Term of Age and Type of Surgery in Breast Cancer Patients in ATertiary Care Hospital.
Esculapio - JSIMS 2022;18(04):248-252




How to Cite

Zia A, Dar SM, Siddique S, Khan JS, Shahzad R. Seroma Formation Between Flap and Non-flap Fixation Following Mastectomy in Term of Age and Type of Surgery in Breast Cancer Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];18(4):437-41. Available from:



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