Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Presentation and Outcomes of Gallstone Disease


  • Sidra Mehmood Dar
  • Musharaf Khalid Bhutta
  • Humaira Zia
  • Muhammad Nauman Bashir
  • Jahangir Sarwar Khan
  • Usman Qureshi
  • Gohar Rasheed




Covid-19, gallstone disease, complicated gallstone, surgical emergency


Objective: To determine the effect of Covid-19 pandemic on presentation and outcomes of gallstone disease and to compare them with the pre-covid time.
Methods: it is a retrospective observationalstudy conducted in surgical emergency department of holy family hospital, Rawalpindi. Data of all the patients presented to emergency department (ED) fromApril toAugust 2020 (Group I) and in the same months of 2019 (Group II) was collected retrospectively. More patients presented with complicated gallstone disease in emergency department during COVID'19 than in pre-covid time. Covid'19is anindependentriskfactorforpresentationofpatientsinemergencydepartmentwith complications.
Results: There were 108 (53%) patients in Group I and 95 (47%) patients in Group II retained in emergency department (ED) of General surgery, holy family hospital, Rawalpindi. There were more patients admitted through ED in Group I than in Group II (63[58%] vs 40[42%] p-value 0.003). In Group I patients, duration of symptoms was prolonged before reaching ED than Group II (3.55+1.45 vs 2.86+1.32 days, p-value 0.001). Moreover, patients presented with more severe disease assessed by Tokyo criteria and number of patients with complicated gallstone disease in Group I were also higher (p-value 0.01).
Conclusion: During covid-19 pandemic, patients were reluctant to attend hospitals for elective surgeries as a result of fear of the COVID'19. Moreover, due to cancellation of elective procedures during lockdown, there were more patients admitted through Emergency Department with severe and complicated gallstone disease. Hence COVID19 is an independent risk factor for presentation of patients in ED with complications.

How to cite: Dar SM, Bhutta MK, Zia H, Bashir MN, Khan JS, Qureshi U, Rasheed G. Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic
on Presentation and Outcomes of Gallstone Disease. Esculapio - JSIMS 2022;18(04):248-252


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How to Cite

Dar SM, Bhutta MK, Zia H, Bashir MN, Khan JS, Qureshi U, Rasheed G. Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Presentation and Outcomes of Gallstone Disease. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];18(4):412-6. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/120



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