To Compare the Effect of Competitive and Non-Competitive Environment On Academic Performance in Medical Students


  • Saira Nawaz
  • Neesha Naveed
  • Bilal Nazar
  • Muhammad Hasham Akram Chaudhry
  • Amna Nadeem Kazi



competitive environment, non-competitive environment, academic progress, motivation levels


Objectives: To compare the effect of competitive and non-competitive environment on academic progress of students, to assess the effect of competitive environment on motivation levels, anxiety levels and learning strategies of students.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. In this, we assigned target to all the students in one exam (Module 2  Pathology) to create competitive environment. For a non-competitive environment, no target was assigned and students gave their exam (Module 1 Pathology) without any target. The results were taken by informed consent of students. The whole procedure was explained efficiently to the students. To keep the results accurate students were unaware about the non-competitive environment.
Results: We found that students performed academically better in competitive environment rather than in non-competitive environment. Positive correlation was found between competitive environment and exam results. We also found positive correlation between motivation and learning strategy and compared them between boys and girls. We also found correlation between sleep hours, study hours and academic progress in competitive environment.
Conclusion: Competitive environment in institutes is good for better and improved academic performance. However, it effects the motivation level, anxiety level and learning strategy of students.
Keywords: competitive environment, non-competitive environment, academic progress, motivation levels,
anxiety levels, learning strategy.
How to cite: Nawaz S, Naveed N, Nazar B, Chaudhry MHA, Kazi AN. To Compare the Effect of Competitive and Non-Competitive
Environment On Academic Performance in Medical Students. Esculapio - JSIMS 2022;18(04):248-252


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How to Cite

Nawaz S, Naveed N, Nazar B, Chaudhry MHA, Kazi AN. To Compare the Effect of Competitive and Non-Competitive Environment On Academic Performance in Medical Students. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];18(4):408-11. Available from:



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