Peripartum Hysterectomy in A Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Sadia Afzal Randhawa Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore
  • Sarwat Nazir Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore Lahore Pakistan
  • Mahnoor Ahsan Bhoon



Emergency peripartum hysterectomy (EPH), placenta previa, uterine rupture, maternal morbidity and mortality, healthcare providers


Objective: To identify the indications and risk factors associated with EPH so they can be timely diagnosed and managed to help to improve the maternal morbidity and mortality.
Methods: The study design opted for the present research was observational retrospective, where the pregnant women were assessed for various demographic characteristics, indications, high risk factors and maternal and fetal outcome. All the pregnant women who underwent caesarean hysterectomy were included in the study period from oct 2010 to oct 2014 and January 2017 to December 2017. All the data was filled on a predesigned Performa after taking consent from the patient. This study was carried out in Gynae unit 1, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Lahore.
Results: The mean age of the women was 25.8 years.59 (66.29%) of the females were in the age category of 21 to 30, whereas 23 (25.84%) belong to 31-35 years of age and 7(7.86) were in the age group 36 to 40. The maximum number of parity was of 4 to 6 ,61.19%. Majority of the deliveries 92.13 were done by cesarean section (CS).
Conclusion: EPH is very vital procedure that saves lives and manages life threatening obstetrical hemorrhage when other methods failed to control bleeding. This procedure most of time is unforeseen and compulsory, however the timely decision of EPH procedure may improve the maternal outcome and hence help in decreasing maternal mortality.




How to Cite

Afzal Randhawa S, Sarwat Nazir, Ahsan Bhoon M. Peripartum Hysterectomy in A Tertiary Care Hospital. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];20(1):82-5. Available from:



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