Challenges in Work-Life Balance of Gynecologists Perspectives


  • Amna khanum Obstetrics and gynecology
  • Mehwish Ayyaz
  • Zohra khanum
  • Mahliqa Maqsud
  • Aymen javed
  • Zubda Aiman



Challenges, work-life balance, Gynecologists, perspectives


Objective: Challenges gynecologists face in work life issues and their opinion how they cope.
Material and Method: The Study type was Qualitative of phenomenological type and the study was conducted for 15 days at two places Gynae Unit V, King Edward Medical University, Lahore Lady Aitchison Hospital Lahore and Obstestric & Gynaecology Unit-2 Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore. The qualitative, phenomenological study was conducted, views of consultants in the field of gynecology were explored and a self-designed Performa were given to participants to answer open-ended questions. The answers were transcribed manually and codes were formed that led to themes.
Results: out of 10 subjects included, 1 (10%) was department head, 2 (20%) were associate professors, 2 (20%) were assistant professors, and 5 (50%) were senior registrars. Data was segregated into codes of the workplace, home challenges, coping strategies, job satisfaction, and maintaining work-life balance. There are 5 -7 themes that fell under each of these seven codes.
Conclusion: Challenges faced by consultants in field of gynecology are explored and we can suggest and recommend policies at work place and how these can help in policy-making rules at local and national levels.

Author Biographies

Zohra khanum


Aymen javed



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How to Cite

Amna khanum, Ayyaz M, Zohra khanum, Mahliqa Maqsud, Aymen javed, Zubda Aiman. Challenges in Work-Life Balance of Gynecologists Perspectives. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];19(04):504-6. Available from:



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