Role of Oral Progesterone in Pre Term Labour


  • Hina Ilyas
  • Safia Perveen
  • Zareen Akhter
  • Azra Yaseen
  • Mariam Rafiq
  • Suleiman Azhar
  • Fizza Mahmood



Progesterone, Preterm birth, latency period


Objective: Our study aims at determining safety and efficacy of oral micronized progesterone in preventing
preterm labor.
Method: Study conducted at Sahiwal Teaching Hospital from June 2018-July 2019 including 180
participants with preterm labor. Oral micronized progesterone give 200 microgram twice daily till preterm
labor settled.
Results: 12.5% were ≤20 years. 31% were 20-25 years. 35% were from 25-30 years. While 36(22%) were
≥35 years. Primigravida were 27% and multigravida 73%. In 76% cases preterm labor settled and 24% had
labor ≤ 37 weeks. Latency period ≤ 24 hours in 15% ,2-6 days in 18%, 1-3 weeks in 24%, 4-8 weeks in 32%,
9-12 weeks in 7%, ≥ 12 weeks in 5% respectively. 78% had vaginal delivery, C-Sec in 22% of patients.
Gestational age at delivery ≤28 weeks in 7%, ≤32 weeks in 20%, ≤36 weeks in 25% and ≥37 weeks in
48% respectively. Birth weight, ≥3.0 kg in 25%, 2.0-2.5 kg in 50%, ≤2.0 kg 18%, ≤1.5 kg 7%. NICU
admission 25%. RDS seen in (22%), Sepsis (10%), IVH (3%), NEC (1%). neonatal deaths were 12.
Conclusion: Oral micronized progesterone is found to be safe, effective and well tolerated therapy for
prevention and treatment of preterm birth.

How to cite: Ilyas H, Perveen S, Akhter Z, Yaseen A, Rafiq M, Azhar S, Mahmood F. Role of Oral Progesterone in Pre
Term Labour. Esculapio - JSIMS 2022;18(02):204-208




How to Cite

Ilyas H, Perveen S, Akhter Z, Yaseen A, Rafiq M, Azhar S, Mahmood F. Role of Oral Progesterone in Pre Term Labour. Esculapio - JSIMS [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 30];18(2):209-13. Available from:



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